About My Blog

Hi! Welcome to my website & community!


Regardless of YOUR experience, circumstance, history, incredible shifts are possible if YOU believe in YOURSELF & put energy into manifesting what it is YOU want.


Have you ever experienced:
(This is literally a list of some of my major struggles, it doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with them now from time to time but I’ve acknowledged them and I’m intentional about working on them when they bubble up.)


-Sexual Abuse
-Victim Mentality
-Drug Usage
-Unhealthy Habits
-Unhealthy Friendships
-Feeling Like A Failure
-Unhealthy Relationships
-Low Self Esteem
-Yo Yo Dieting & Exercise
-The Floor Of Your World Being Ripped Away From Your Feet
-Lost In this Big World
-Loss / Grief


These are some of the challenges I’ve been through in life, so if you can relate to any of the above please stick around to hear my story(ies).


I share all of this with you not to have you pity me but to tell you there is more out there in life then your current circumstances. I could have stayed ‘living’ in this destructive path and been a victim for the rest of my life. But I had the choice. To change or To stay. It was simple.


No matter what hand you are dealt in life, you have a choice on how you let it affect you. You have a choice on how to re-act. What you CAN control is your CHOICE! It’s a powerful thing.


It seems like with any choice in life it takes you on a journey, a journey to learn from and improve upon good or bad. Actually I believe as long as you make a choice, like decide what door to open the universe works in a mysterious way.  Just the act of deciding can help the universe bring to life anything that you are intentionally manifesting. If you are stagnate, not deciding, the universe will flow around you and you’ll miss out.  Just like the rivers being carved into the mountains, habits keep the river flowing in the same direction & path, digging the path deeper & wider the longer it moves through. When an obstacle gets in it’s way like a fallen boulder or tree the river will find a new path and begin to deepen and widen that path until another path is needed.  We are creatures of habit and in recognizing our unhealthy habits if we decide, we can re-create a new path!


My passion now is to help be the light for someone else.
I want to help women see that life is what you make it. The choice is yours alone.


The help lies in finding a community that lifts you up! A community of trust, support, vulnerability, forgiveness, love.  A community that shares from their heart and how we have all overcome different struggles in different ways and paths.  It gives us strength, hope, a renewed understanding and belief in ourselves & ultimately connection with others. Surround yourself with people that have big goals and dreams of their own. People that want to LIVE life and BE HAPPY on their journey. I encourage you to seek out these people in your life, your community and/or online.


I find the darkest times brings a brighter light down the road as long as you keep choosing to GROW.  I’ve been challenged in this life in many different ways and sometimes I truly felt knocked down and hopeless & weak but somehow I kept on keeping on.   The hard times will pass, they always do.  It’s just a choice on how long you stay knocked down.


My goal with my blog posts is to share my stories authentically and be as vulnerable as possible and share my lessons and how I overcame them… so please stay awhile and read any that interest you or relate to anything you are going through. I’d love to be the light for anyone going through a dark place, because I’ve been there. And if you have a story to share, I’d love to hear it.


A quick bullet list of my current life:


-Working hard towards my life by design plan
-Healthy Habits – I care what I put in my body and I workout regularly
-Found passion in helping others find their passion
-Traveling a ton
-Smart with Money
-I invest in Healthy relationships, and pass on anything less
-I spend my time doing activities I have passion for
-I am a forgiver and have learned to bless and release
-I’m a fur mama to my Italian Mastiff Ali Capone
-I am more than good enough



I am NOT perfect!! Not even close, nor do I have all the answers but I continue to be a work in progress.  Making Choices.